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The Rite of Self


Also called the Rite of Source. It is when an Empowered that isn't raised knowing exactly what the nature of their power is learns it. It is called a rite, but rarely has any set rules unless the person specifically invokes the rite via some powerful other party that will send them on a quest that will likely inform the Empowered to discover their true nature. Sometimes they manipulate things to help make it more likely the discovery is made. The quest almost always benefits the other party that grants it in some signification way as well, or if not the quest giver might simply request something in return. Simply telling someone is not done and is considered a huge violation of all traditions. For example Aiden the Fire Controller tries to discover the source of his power and has had no luck. He might be a pure elemental, a salamander, some sort of fire demon, a godling of fire, a phoenix, etc. He has no idea, so he asks invokes the rite to Frau Totenkinder, a powerful witch who knows these sorts of things. She in turn sends him on a mission and arranges a few things that make it fairly likely he will discover his true nature. Though this sort of thing is personal it need not be done alone. Often a cortege' will take a Rite of Self together, usually simultaneously.


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